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Actor Will Smith recently posted a vlog on his YouTube channel documenting the process of getting a colonoscopy. His video is a great up-close look at the process and why it is so important for everyone.

The Colonoscopy Video

Will uploaded the video on YouTube on November 6, 2019. Will Smith turned 50 in 2019 and his doctor advised him to get screened for colorectal cancer. The video starts with him asking his doctor about the logistics of the procedure. He also documents the effects of the colonoscopy prep, and shows footage of him entering the exam room on the day of the procedure. We also see Will after the procedure under lingering effects of anaesthetic. The video ends with Will’s doctor talking through the exam results with him.

During the procedure, doctors actually found a polyp and removed it. Polyps are pre-cancerous lesions that are common in the colon. They removed the polyp and sent it to biopsy, where it was determined to be a tubular adenoma, a benign type of polyp that has the potential to become cancerous.

Will’s doctor speaks about her gratefulness that he was a compliant patient who took her recommendation for screening. She explains that the type and location of polyp Will had could have made it virtually unnoticeable if he hadn’t gotten screened; it is likely that by the time he started to show symptoms, it would have spread to other parts of his body. The video ends with his doctor talking through all of this and recommending a follow-up screening in the next two or three years, since he had a polyp. You can watch the video here.

A History of Celebrities Raising Awareness of Screenings

Will isn’t the first celebrity to publicize their own experience with a screening. Back in 2000, Katie Couric got a colonoscopy on the Today show to raise awareness on the importance of colon cancer screenings. Her husband had died of colon cancer in 1998. She went on to co-found the National Colorectal Cancer Research Alliance. In 2018, Couric also accompanied TV host Jimmy Kimmel through the colonoscopy process on his show.

The impact of celebrity promotion of screenings may be significant. In the year following Katie Couric’s Today show colonoscopy, there was a significant increase in screenings in the United States. A study from 2003 found that colonoscopy utilization rates increased in two large data sets following Katie’s promotion.  The first data set found an increase in the number of colonoscopies performed per month from 15 to 18.01. Additionally, analysis of the second data set, which was comprised of adults in a managed care organization, found that colonoscopies increased from 1.3 per 1000 people per month to 1.8 per 1000. This finding of increased screenings is called the Katie Couric Effect.

The Importance of Destigmatizing Colonoscopies

This video is important in a lot of ways. Having a celebrity share their experience with colon cancer screening can impact a lot of people and save many lives. As of the writing of this blog post, over 3.2 million people have watched the video.

Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of a colonoscopy, and avoid screenings for far too long. In particular, the idea of having an endoscope enter your body through your anus and the bowel prep associated with the procedure are barriers for some people. This is a problem, because screenings are extremely effective: colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the US and the survival rate for early detection of colon cancer is around 92%. Clearly, screenings save lives.

Our experienced team at GHP has years of experience performing colorectal cancer screenings. We can help establish the best plan of care for your situation. Contact any of our office locations to learn about the options we offer and schedule an appointment today.